Why We’re Upgrading to the New SuiteApp Version
To continue providing you with the best service and ensure the stability of our integration, we are upgrading all users to the latest version of our SuiteApp within NetSuite. This upgrade is in line with NetSuite’s new standards, which require all customers to adopt the updated version.
Important: We highly recommend testing in Sandbox before attempting in Production. When ready to move to Production, please book time with the relevant parties.
Why This Change is Important:
Long-term Support: Keeps your integration fully supported by NetSuite.
Seamless Transition: Prepares for NetSuite’s 2024.2 upgrade, preventing any disruptions to your workflow.
Custom integration vs Non Custom integrations
Custom Integration Process: The bulk of NetSuite integration users will have specific mapping requirements for their integration such as custom or required fields on their PO forms or additional fields on catalog item or vendor sync records. In these cases, custom mapping files will have been added to their NetSuite instance which would need to be updated and plug-ins reconfigured.
Non-Custom Integration Process: In some cases, custom mappings or configurations may not be needed. This tends to occur when there are no required fields to be mapped on a PO, catalog items or vendors or only a subset of data points are being synced. The process required for migration in this case contains fewer steps and does not require the receipt of custom mapping files.
NetSuite Migration: Custom Integration process.
Part 1: Removing the old app
Part 1: Removing the old app
Request your new updated mapping files from Procurify, that now conform to the latest NetSuite scripting standards. You should be given a zip file to use later in the process.
Take note of any custom mapping files that may be attached to your account.
Find the ‘Manage Plug-Ins’ page by searching for ‘Manage Plug-Ins’ in the global search bar
On that page, note down any of the Procurify plug-ins that start with the word ‘Custom’, ie:
Note: Typically at least the Procurify - NetSuite Purchase Order plug-in is set to custom, but there could be others in your account.
3. Find your existing bundle version by searching for the page “Installed Bundles” in the global search bar.
4. Locate the Procurify bundle and take note of the version, ie: 2.10.33 or 2.11 or 2.13.1, etc.
5. Click the ‘New’ button or otherwise go to the “Search & Install Bundles” page.
6. Find and install the migration bundle:
(name: Procurify - Transition, bundle ID: 523959)
7. After installation is complete, search for “Procurify Historical Data Backup SL”. Choose the 3rd option. If you do not see the Procurify Backup page listing the potential backup files, please select the second option in the drop down.
Note: Depending on your Procurify bundle version, you should see the 8 objects in the above list. If you see fewer, please let us know. More may be present, though you may see the export status of some of those additional files fail. Only failures of the files pictured above will impact later steps.
8. Click the 'Review Closed Periods' button to review if any Procurify-synced item receipts are located in closed periods where the period is not marked as 'Allow Non GL Changes'.
This setting can be enabled for each pay period by navigating to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods, editing the pay period, then enabling the ALLOW NON-GL CHANGES setting and must be enabled in order for transactions in historic pay periods to be restored.
9. Navigate back to the Procurify Backup Page and click "Initiate Backup" to run the export that will produce 8 csv files:
Vendor, item, purchase order, object, event, configuration, account, item receipt and optionally: config (may be present but is not used in the migration)
10. Once all 8 statuses change to ‘Complete’, verify that the csv files captured all data
Browse to the NetSuite File Cabinet and find the ‘ProcurifyBackupFolder’ folder. Your csv files will be located here.
Due to the large volumes of data synced from Procurify to your NetSuite account, it may be challenging to verify each individual element. However, we recommend reviewing the file to ensure the number of rows appears reasonable.
If the backup file size exceeds 10MB, you may encounter errors during the backup restoration outlined below and need to use the NetSuite csv import tools (Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records) for data restoration. File size can be verified by downloading the backup files from the ProcurifyBackupFolder after creation. Please contact Procurify for additional upload and configuration details to assist during the Part 4: Restore your historical transaction data of this process.
11. Uninstall the old Procurify bundle:
Search for the page “Installed Bundles” and find the Procurify bundle version # that you noted in the first step ie: version 2.10.33 or 2.11 or 2.13.1, etc.
Uninstall this bundle by hovering over the green icon to the left of the bundle and choosing ‘uninstall’.
Important: Please do not uninstall the 'Procurify - Transition' bundle that has just been installed.
12. Refresh the installed bundle screen as the bundle uninstalls.
Only proceed to the next step once this bundle no longer appears in the Installed Bundles screen.
Part 2: Installing the new SuiteApp
Part 2: Installing the new SuiteApp
1. Install the up to date version of the new Procurify app by going to the SuiteApp marketplace:
Locate the ‘SuiteApps’ menu options in the main NetSuite menu bar
(you may need to hover over the 3 dots on the right of the menu bar to see more menu options)Search for the word Procurify to find the ‘Procurify for NetSuite’ app.
If more than one shows up, click into the first one and verify that the Latest Version is 3.0.2
2. Install the app
After the new Procurify app is installed, browse to the file cabinet (Documents > Files > SuiteScripts) and go to the SuiteScript folder
Click on the Advanced Add button and choose the zip file given to you that contains your updated mapping files.
Note: leave all other options on that page as the default
Click the "Add" button to upload and unzip your new mapping files.
3. Using the global search, search for “Plug-in Implementations” (Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations).
On this screen, there should be 6 or 7 Procurify related implementations in the list that each start with the word ‘Custom’:
Click ‘Edit’ next to each of them, hover over the ‘Actions’ link, and then delete each one of them.
4. Browse back to the SuiteScript folder in the file cabinet and click into the ‘Procurify’ folder.
For each custom mapping file that you noted down in Step 2, find that file in either the ‘Import’ folder or the ‘Export’ folder.
Hint: purchase orders and item receipts will be located in the Import folder. Accounts, catalog items, terms and vendors will be located in the Export folder.Take note or copy the file name for the custom mapping file that you’re interested in. ie: CustomNetSuitePurchaseOrderHandler.js
5. You will now manually create one new Plug-in Implementation record for each mapping file that you have.
Note: Most clients only have one custom mapping for the Purchase Order object, and therefore you will only need to create one Plug-in Implementation. However if you had more than one custom mapping, you will create that many Plug-in Implementations.
6. Upload Plug-in Implementation:
7.Head back to the Plug-in Implementation page, click the ‘New’ button
It will ask you to choose a script file. This will need to be one of the script files that you just uploaded to the file cabinet. Paste or type in the file name from the previous step.
8. Click the ‘Create Plug-in Implementation’ button.
Choose the plug-in type (should list 2.1 Plug-in Type in the page title NOT 2.0 Plug-in Type. If 2.0 is listed, please confirm you are using the provided updated script files) that’s associated with the custom mapping object that you’re working on, ie: Procurify - NetSuite Purchase Order
Part 3: Create new Plug-in Implementation record
Part 3: Create new Plug-in Implementation record
When creating the plug-in implementation, the following fields need to be populated: Name, ID and Status.
The Name and ID should use the details from the chart in step 2, depending on which object you’re working on.
2. Please copy and paste the name and ID values from this table into the appropriate NetSuite fields.
Note: NetSuite will automatically place the text ‘customscript’ in front of any ID that you type in, so if you’re working on the purchase order object, for example, type in _custom_import_po.
Link to the google sheet to copy & paste this information: Click Here
3. The Status should be set to ‘Released’
Repeat these steps for each custom mapping object that your company has to create its Plug-in Implementation record.
4. Head back into the ‘Manage Plug-Ins’ page by searching for ‘Manage Plug-Ins’ in the global search bar. You should now see the Implementation records that you just created.
You should now see the Implementation records that you just created.
By default, NetSuite will put the ‘Active Plug-in’ field to ‘Default’. Ensure you change this to the custom option instead:
Repeat this process for each Procurify implementation that you see in the list (again, you’ll have more than one if you had more than one custom mapping object)
5. Click on Save.
Part 4: Restore your historical transaction data
Part 4: Restore your historical transaction data
Use the global search and search for “Procurify HistoricalDataBackup RestoreSL”.
Click on the 2nd option that comes up… you’re looking to be taken to the Restore Backup page. If you don’t see the following page, select the 3rd option instead.
Before clicking the ‘Restore Backup’ button, you’ll need to temporarily inactivate 6 different scripts in the system. This will prevent these scripts from interfering with the restore process.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the “Script Activate/Inactivate Page’ button.
This will take you to the list of User Event scripts. The 6 scripts that you’ll need to locate are:
Locate these 6 scripts in the list.
Next to each of the 6 scripts, click the Inactive checkbox to select them. Then click the ‘Submit’ button to inactivate them.
Go back to the Restore Backup page and click the Refresh button. The bottom of the page should then show you that all 6 scripts are indeed inactive.
Then click on the ‘Restore Backup’ button to start the restore process.
This will take the csv files from your file cabinet and copy back all of the history linkages between NetSuite and Procurify
Click the Refresh button occasionally in order to check on the status. Once the statuses for all file lines show ‘Done’, click back on the “Script Activate/Inactivate Page’ button and find those same 6 scripts to activate them again.
Then, to verify that the restore worked, browse to the custom records Procurify Events and Procurify Objects to verify that these objects did in fact get records added to them.
Browse to the Procurify Configurations screen
Confirm that all domains are already set up
Click on the Settings link of each to reconfigure the Inbound and Outbound Data Flows scheduled syncs: purchase orders, item receipts, vendors, accounts, items, payment terms. If Schedule/Execute options are not displaying on the page, please give a page refresh as the presence of these options relies on the completion of other tasks.
If possible, test any of the syncs to ensure that the new app works as expected.
Important: If you do not see your Procurify configurations restored or data in the Procurify Events and Procurify Objects, please let us know.
Part 5: Uninstalling Procurify Transition Bundle
Part 5: Uninstalling Procurify Transition Bundle
Uninstall the ‘Procurify - Transition’ bundle:
Search for the page “Installed Bundles” and find the Procurify - Transition bundle.
Uninstall this bundle by hovering over the green icon to the left of the bundle and choosing ‘uninstall’.
NetSuite Migration: Non Custom Integration process.
Part 1: Removing the old app
Part 1: Removing the old app
Take note of any custom mapping files that may be attached to your account.
Find the ‘Manage Plug-Ins’ page by searching for ‘Manage Plug-Ins’ in the global search bar
On that page, note down any of the Procurify plug-ins that start with the word ‘Custom’, ie:
Note: If you have received instructions to use this article, you should not see Procurify related Custom plug-ins. If you are seeing Custom Plug-Ins on this page, please use the process noted in our Custom Mapping Upgrade Guide and provide the list of custom files to Procurify.
3. Find your existing bundle version by searching for the page “Installed Bundles” in the global search bar.
4. Locate the Procurify bundle and take note of the version, ie: 2.10.33 or 2.11 or 2.13.1, etc.
5. Click the ‘New’ button or otherwise go to the “Search & Install Bundles” page.
6. Find and install the migration bundle:
(name: Procurify - Transition, bundle ID: 523959)
7. After installation is complete, search for “Procurify Historical Data Backup SL”. Choose the 3rd option. If you do not see the Procurify Backup page listing the potential backup files, please select the second option in the drop down.
Note: Depending on your Procurify bundle version, you should see the 8 objects in the above list. If you see fewer, please let us know. More may be present, though you may see the export status of some of those additional files fail. Only failures of the files pictured above will impact later steps.
8. Click the 'Review Closed Periods' button to review if any Procurify-synced item receipts are located in closed periods where the period is not marked as 'Allow Non GL Changes'.
This setting can be enabled for each pay period by navigating to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods, editing the pay period, then enabling the ALLOW NON-GL CHANGES setting and must be enabled in order for transactions in historic pay periods to be restored.
9. Navigate back to the Procurify Backup Page and click "Initiate Backup" to run the export that will produce 8 csv files:
Vendor, item, purchase order, object, event, configuration, account, item receipt and optionally: config (may be present but is not used in the migration)
10. Once all 8 statuses change to ‘Complete’, verify that the csv files captured all data
Browse to the NetSuite File Cabinet and find the ‘ProcurifyBackupFolder’ folder. Your csv files will be located here.
Due to the large volumes of data synced from Procurify to your NetSuite account, it may be challenging to verify each individual element. However, we recommend reviewing the file to ensure the number of rows appears reasonable.
If the backup file size exceeds 10MB, you may encounter errors during the backup restoration outlined below and need to use the NetSuite csv import tools (Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records) for data restoration. File size can be verified by downloading the backup files from the ProcurifyBackupFolder after creation. Please contact Procurify for additional upload and configuration details to assist during the Part 3: Restore your historical transaction data of this process.
11. Uninstall the old Procurify bundle:
Search for the page “Installed Bundles” and find the Procurify bundle version # that you noted in the first step ie: version 2.10.33 or 2.11 or 2.13.1, etc.
Uninstall this bundle by hovering over the green icon to the left of the bundle and choosing ‘uninstall’.
Important: Please do not uninstall the 'Procurify - Transition' bundle that has just been installed.
12. Refresh the installed bundle screen as the bundle uninstalls.
Only proceed to the next step once this bundle no longer appears in the Installed Bundles screen.
Part 2: Installing the new SuiteApp
Part 2: Installing the new SuiteApp
1. Install the up to date version of the new Procurify app by going to the SuiteApp marketplace:
Locate the ‘SuiteApps’ menu options in the main NetSuite menu bar
(you may need to hover over the 3 dots on the right of the menu bar to see more menu options)Search for the word Procurify to find the ‘Procurify for NetSuite’ app.
If more than one shows up, click into the first one and verify that the Latest Version is 3.0.2
2. Using the global search, search for “Plug-in Implementations” (Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations).
On this screen, if you see Procurify related implementations in the list that each start with the word ‘Custom’, Click ‘Edit’ next to each of them, hover over the ‘Actions’ link, and then delete each one of them. If you do not see any Procurify related implementations in the list, skip to the next step.
Part 3: Restore your historical transaction data
Part 3: Restore your historical transaction data
Use the global search and search for “Procurify HistoricalDataBackup RestoreSL”.
Click on the 2nd option that comes up… you’re looking to be taken to the Restore Backup page. If you don’t see the following page, select the 3rd option instead.
Before clicking the ‘Restore Backup’ button, you’ll need to temporarily inactivate 6 different scripts in the system. This will prevent these scripts from interfering with the restore process.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the “Script Activate/Inactivate Page’ button.
This will take you to the list of User Event scripts. The 6 scripts that you’ll need to locate are:
Locate these 6 scripts in the list.
Next to each of the 6 scripts, click the Inactive checkbox to select them. Then click the ‘Submit’ button to inactivate them.
Go back to the Restore Backup page and click the Refresh button. The bottom of the page should then show you that all 6 scripts are indeed inactive.
Then click on the ‘Restore Backup’ button to start the restore process.
This will take the csv files from your file cabinet and copy back all of the history linkages between NetSuite and Procurify
Click the Refresh button occasionally in order to check on the status. Once the statuses for all file lines show ‘Done’, click back on the “Script Activate/Inactivate Page’ button and find those same 6 scripts to activate them again.
Then, to verify that the restore worked, browse to the custom records Procurify Events and Procurify Objects to verify that these objects did in fact get records added to them.
Browse to the Procurify Configurations screen
Confirm that all domains are already set up
Click on the Settings link of each to reconfigure the Inbound and Outbound Data Flows scheduled syncs: purchase orders, item receipts, vendors, accounts, items, payment terms. If Schedule/Execute options are not displaying on the page, please give a page refresh as the presence of these options relies on the completion of other tasks.
If possible, test any of the syncs to ensure that the new app works as expected.
Important: If you do not see your Procurify configurations restored or data in the Procurify Events and Procurify Objects, please let us know.
Part 4: Uninstalling Procurify Transition Bundle
Part 4: Uninstalling Procurify Transition Bundle
Uninstall the ‘Procurify - Transition’ bundle:
Search for the page “Installed Bundles” and find the Procurify - Transition bundle.
Uninstall this bundle by hovering over the green icon to the left of the bundle and choosing ‘uninstall’.
After completing the upgrade process, the Procurify Error Resolution log will continue to show outstanding sync errors but dates on the errors will reflect the migration date as opposed to the date the error originally occurred.