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What is PunchOut?
Updated over a week ago

PunchOut technologies connect Procurify directly to your favorite suppliers. Requesters can browse supplier websites (e.g. Amazon, Staples, and Home Depot) to easily add items to Order Requests.

Purchase Orders are automatically created for PunchOut items, eliminating manual data entry for your procurement team manual entry.

What are the benefits?

PunchOut streamlines the procurement process with your favorite vendors by reducing manual data entry work and inaccuracies for submitting order requests.

Once the request is approved, items are automatically purchased and shipped. This reduces the workload on your purchasing team for creating purchase orders and communicating with vendors.

Available PunchOut Suppliers

We are pleased to work with the following PunchOut Suppliers!

Please see below for eligibility requirements for each Supplier. Client PunchOut requests are subject to review and approval by the Supplier.

See the below link to access the setup instructions for each PunchOut Supplier
Learn more about our PunchOut Suppliers

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