1. Click + Request at the top-right of the screen and select Order.
2. Click + Import Order Items β Download Template
3. Fill out the required columns and save the file to your computer. Review the table below for how to complete each column.
4. Click Browse & Upload CSV to locate the file on your computer.
5. Click Import
Requests with more than 75 items may time out on submission.
If there were any errors, make the required changes before re-uploading the CSV. You have successfully finished the import!
Custom Field Formats
There may be custom fields added to the template CSV file. Ensure to populate the column to prevent errors.
For checkbox custom fields, enter "true" or "false"
For date custom fields, enter date in "YYYY-MM-DD"
For text custom fields, use only alphanumeric characters
For drop-down custom fields, enter an exact match for a drop-down option.
Additional Information:
URL Parsing does not work in CSV import. Column A will only create the Item Name. If a URL is entered, the Item name will display the URL.
The account code must match the Account Code (and not the Account Code Description) in Procurify.
Do not include the currency in the price column.