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How to import roles
Updated over 5 months ago

The Import Roles function can be used to complete several tasks related to user profiles in Procurify. Use this article for instructions on how to properly use the import template.

  • When a User is INACTIVE the Roles & Permissions tab disappears. Due to this, you cannot use the Import User Role/Permission/Edit until the User is made ACTIVE again.

  • Due to customization, Location and Department may have unique labelling. In this article, we are using the default labels Location and Department. Learn more here.

Adding Roles to Users

1. Download the template, available at the bottom of the following article, titled role_import.csv

2. In the CSV, fill out the email, role, and location columns. Make sure that the email used matches the user's email in Procurify exactly. Save the file to your computer. Review the table below for a definition of each column and an example. Fill out the required columns and save the file to your computer.

  • Roles in Procurify: Superuser, Requester, Reporter, Receiver, Purchaser, Approver, Reports and Accounts Payable. Learn more about the different roles in Procurify.

  • When adding a Superuser role, leave the Location field blank for this user, as Superusers need access to all Locations.

  • Custom roles can be imported if defined beforehand.

  • If you have granular permissions, you can add a column to the template called Department. This option is available for customers with granular permissions enabled to assign users to Departments for Receiving and Purchasing.

3. When complete, return to Procurify and select Settings→ Import Data and click on Import CSV File next to Roles. Select Browse & Upload CSV. If completed properly, you will see a success screen, and your new user will be created.

  • If there are any errors, make the required changes before re-uploading the CSV.

  • To download the import template directly from your account. Select Settings → Import Data → select Import CSV next to Roles → and select Download Template.

Modifying Existing User Roles

1. Navigate to Settings → Manage Users and click on Export CSV in the top right corner.

2. From your exported CSV, copy and paste the user roles, locations, and email addresses of the user you wish to modify to the Import Data template.

3. For the Action on Duplicate column:

  • LEAVE FIELD BLANK - If this field is left empty, and the role does not currently exist for this user in the system, the role will be added to the user's permissions. If the role does exist, the role settings will update.

  • IGNORE - this line will be ignored on import. Use this keyword to make no changes for this specific line.

  • REMOVE LOCATION - use this keyword to keep the role assigned to the user, but remove the location in which it is assigned. All other locations assigned to this role will remain if not edited on the import.

  • REMOVE ROLE - use this keyword to remove the role from the user's permissions. All locations where this role is applied will be removed along with the role.

If this field is left empty, and the role does not currently exist for this user in the system, the role will be added to the user's permissions.

4. When complete, return to Procurify and select Settings→ Manage Users and click on Export CSV. Select Browse & Upload CSV. If completed properly, you will see a success screen, and your users will be updated.

  • If there are errors, make the required changes before re-uploading the CSV.

Additional Information:

Download the role import template file here:

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