Get a list of all credit card transactions in Procurify.
There are different export types you can use to download credit card transactions.
You must be a Superuser or have custom access to Export Data to perform the following steps.
Purchase Orders
Navigate to Settings β Export Data.
Click Prepare CSV next to Purchase Order Items.
Adjust the Date Created as needed.
Select your Format Type. Ensure to select Payment Method if using a custom format.
Click Export CSV.
Open the downloaded file, filter by Payment Method, and select the credit card name(s) you added in your domain.
Navigate to Settings β Export Data.
Click Prepare CSV next to Bills.
Adjust the conditions as needed.
Select your Format Type. Ensure Vendor is selected if using a custom format.
Click Export CSV.
Open the downloaded file, filter by Vendor, and select the credit card name(s) you added in your domain.
Navigate to Settings β Export Data.
Click Prepare CSV next to Expense Report History.
Adjust the conditions as needed.
Select your Format Type. Ensure that Payment Method is selected if using a custom format.
Click Export CSV.
Open the downloaded file, filter by Payment Method, and select the credit card name(s) you added to your domain.