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Purchaser/Buyer - Getting Started!
Updated over a year ago

What does a Purchaser do?

A Purchaser is in charge of maintaining adequate amounts of materials for their organization. The Purchaser is actively involved in the responsibility of negotiating prices for materials and orders. To access the Procure module or be a Purchaser, you need to be granted access by a Superuser and its advanced license. Learn how to apply a role to a user.


Let’s get started with the basics

1. Create, edit, and send your purchase orders

Once an order has been approved, the line items will be in the Procurement tab.

  1. Select ProcureProcurement Tab.

  2. Select a line item you want to create a purchase order for and the vendor will automatically populate for you.

  3. Select Add To List

  4. Select Create Purchase Order

2. Checking your previous purchase order

Check your previous Purchase Orders in the Procure Tab.

  1. Select Procure

  2. Select Purchase Orders

While you’re checking your previous purchase orders, you can also email your purchase orders to your vendors and even generate PDFs! (See #3 below.)

3. Emailing purchase orders to your vendors

  1. Click into the Purchase Order

  2. At the top right corner, there will be three options: Generate PDF, Email P.O., and Check Email Logs

4. Purchase order revision

Made a mistake on your purchase orders? No worries! Edit your purchase orders with the PO Revision function.

  1. Click into the Purchase Order (The PO has to be Opened)

  2. At the bottom left corner, under Total Cost, click on Revise P.O.

6. Additional fields for purchase orders

You can add additional fields to your purchase orders to your liking. For example, delivery time, shipping notice, or etc. This will be done in the Settings Tab.

  1. Go to the Settings Tab

  2. Under Customizations → click into Customize Purchase Order Form

  3. Click on +New Custom Field to add

  4. Enter the Label Caption and select Add

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