bill by unreceived
partial payment
How to make a create a bill for a partially received item
two-way matching/2-way matching?
Can I bill an item that hasn't been received?
The following workflow is only available to customers on our new Accounts Payable module (Beta), which is currently still in Beta. To identify which version of Accounts Payable you are using, see Which version of the Accounts Payable Module do I have?
Go to Accounts Payable and click Create Bill.
Select the applicable vendor and the PO.
In the line item, click the three-dot options button
and select Edit Item
In the pop-up window to edit item details, choose whether you would like to bill by Cost or QTY (quantity)
5. Type in the cost or quantity you want to bill for.
6. Click Submit to save the changes to the bill.
7. Complete the bill by following the usual steps for bill creation.
Success! You have created a bill for a partially received order.
Note: Future bills created for the same PO will display the previously billed amount(s), and the bill items will auto-populate with the remaining balance.
Additional Information:
If you wish to be moved from the current AP module to the new Accounts Payable module (Beta) sooner, please contact a Procurify representative.