Due to customization, your interface text may differ. This article refers to the default labels Location and Department. Learn more here
The following steps can only be completed by Superusers or users with customized access to Settings.
Step 1: Create a new Location
Go to Settings β Manage Locations.
Select the Create Location button on the right-hand side of the page
Fill out all the required fields
Select Save Changes
Step 2: Add Departments to the new Location
Select Settings
Select Manage Locations.
Select the Location you want to add Departments to
Click the Departments tab
Select Add Department on the right side of the page
Enter the name of the new Department
Select Save
Important: New Locations and Departments will need to be manually added for user access, approval routings, and account codes.
Step 3: Assign a user to a new Location
Navigate to Settings β Manage Users. Click the user you'll be updating, and select Roles & Permissions.
Under the General tab, you'll see a list of permissions. Use the arrow next to the permission category to expand its subsection. In the Assigned Locations column, click on the button indicating how many locations are currently applied to that permission. To apply the same locations to all subsections, apply it to the top-level category title.
In the popup window, select the locations where the permissions will be active and click Assign Selected Locations. Use the Assign All Locations button to assign all locations to the selected permission.
After the locations have been assigned, the permissions button will be updated with the new number of assigned locations.
Repeat the process for every permission across every user in your system.
Step 4: Update Approval Routing with new Locations and Departments
If you need to create a new Approval Group, refer to the following steps. If you are updating an existing Approval Routing, follow the steps below:
Select Settings β Manage Approval Routing on the left-hand navigation bar
Select the Approval Group that you'd like to edit.
To remove or add Group Triggers select the Edit button.
You can assign the new Location and Department from the following screen and select Update Triggers to confirm the change.
Step 5: Update Account Codes with the new Locations and Departments
Select Settings β Manage Chart of Accounts under the Finance section
Locate the Account Code and select the button to the right of the Account Code and select Edit Account Code.
Select the drop-down for Apply Departments
Select the Apply Departments blue button.
Select Save Account Code.
Additional Information:
The Location's Company Address and Shipping Address are both options when creating a Purchase Order. For this reason, it's important to make sure that the labels are unique to each location, as not to cause confusion during Purchase Order creation.
Once you've created a New Location, create Departments to assign to the Location.
If you are using any PunchOuts that require ShipTo IDs, ensure to send your PunchOut Supplier an updated ShipTo ID list.