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An Overview of Procurify
Updated over a year ago


  • Requester role, approver rule, why Procurify, value of Procurify, what does Procurify do

An overview of Procurify

Procurify’s mission is to make spending smart and simple for mission-driven organizations, empowering them to do meaningful work.

Procurify is an easy-to-use spend management platform that goes beyond purchase orders and expense process controls. Gain unparalleled control and visibility with streamlined workflows, real-time data, and innovative features to organize, allocate, track, and report on spend from a single platform.

Why should we use Procurify?

Just like your organization, there are many unique roles within the Procurify Platform that make sure you're operating at your absolute best. Whether you’re using the system to simply request a balloon for your new hire’s birthday, seeing how much you’ve already approved on your “Marketing Software Expense” GL code, or handling your organization’s purchasing processes, Procurify will bring you value in your day-to-day role.

Requester and Approver overview

Your Requesters and Approvers are the key to your success!

Requesters: Requesters are users who have access to submit requests for orders, request for expenses, request for travel, and/or request for funds for their spending card. This will most likely be your most common user role within your domain. The more team members you have requesting in Procurify, the better! This empowers your team to follow the correct process when it’s time to make their first request.

Approvers: Approvers are anyone who has the authority to approve within the Procurify Platform based on the thresholds and budgets you set in the approval routing. Typically approvers are managers or individuals who are allowed to self-approve their own requests. The amount of Approvers you have in the system can depend on how your organizational structure is set up internally. To prevent approval bottlenecks, make sure you have enough well-trained Approvers in Procurify.


What can requesters do?

Users with access to Request permissions can submit requests, expenses, or travel orders. Requesters are unable to access other modules or navigate to other pages.

Example situation

You need something. Let’s say a new monitor.

Without Procurify

You fill in a paper request, email, text, or tell somebody in passing. After that, you’re unsure if this request has been confirmed, approved, and the status of if this item has been received.

How Procurify helps

Simply log into Procurify and submit an order request. Once submitted you can see if your request has been approved, received, and can even ask questions in Procurify!

The value of requesting in Procurify

Make sure you and your team get what they need, when they need it, without the bottlenecks you find in paper and email requisitions. Having requests start in Procurify means you have full visibility into budgets and the audit trail you need for successful three way matches.


What can Approvers do?

Users with access to the approval permissions can approve and reject orders, bills, or payments depending on their permission settings. Approvers are unable to access other modules or navigate to other pages.

Example Situation

Your team member asks you for a new monitor because theirs is not working.

Without Procurify

You ask your team member some questions back and forth via email or in person. Then you go to the finance or operations team to see if there is a budget for this purchase. In some cases, you need somebody above you to approve this before purchasing it. When it’s time to go back and look for the initial request, you can’t remember if the request was via email, on paper, or just in passing.

How Procurify helps

Get notified when a team member requests an item that is within your approval threshold. Open the request, immediately see how this request will hit your budget in real time, and approve or deny the request all within the Procurify Platform. If you have questions, you can chat with each other all within that specific request.

The value of requesting in Procurify

Know if you have the budget to approve, before you approve. Procurify allows you to control spend while remaining flexible with customized approvals routings. Allocate one approver or multiple approvers by amount, department, location, and more.

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