Download the list of all open Purchase Orders
Export a list of all closed Purchase Orders
View a list containing all Purchase Orders that have been partially received
Filter the export report by pending and partially received POs
Create a report by using the Export Data tool
Is There a Way to Mass Download all my Purchase Orders as PDFs?
Go to Settings β Export Data under Tools
Select Prepare CSV next to Purchase Order Items
Select the Item Status dropdown menu and choose a Status* to filter by
Use the Date Created filter to narrow down your results further
Then, select Export CSV
Open the downloaded file from your computer
Item Status
Purchased - all Purchase Orders created.
Pending Received - all Purchase Orders that are still open and not received.
Partially Received - all Purchase Orders that are partially received.
Fully Received - all Purchase Orders that are closed or fully received.
Additional Information:
Only users with Export Data permission under Settings will be able to perform the following steps.
At the current time, it is not possible to export the data in PDF format